Arbortech Caulking Blade 1"

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Arbortech Caulking Blades are ideal for removing caulking between concrete panels. E.g Tilt up parking lots.

With a cutting width of 1/2”, 1″ or 2″ , the caulk removing tool cuts with optimum control and precision without damaging the surrounding masonry.

How the Arbortech ALLSAW AS200X Revolutionized Masonry Restoration - See all the improved features on the new ALLSAW AS200X.

Arbortech General Purpose Blades Demonstration - Watch a quick general mortar removal with the Arbortech ALLSAW AS175 and General Purpose Blades.

Arbortech Caulking Blades Demo AS175 - Watch a quick caulk removal demonstration with the Arbortech ALLSAW AS175 and Caulking Blades.

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